
Why is finding the right talent so important?  Simply stated, the quality of your organization’s products or services starts & continues with quality people.

  • Quality is all about the people who are performing the work!

So why then do some companies choose to do their own searches when it is something way outside their core competencies? The most common reason an organization chooses to do their search for talent is the cost of using a headhunter that specializes in executive searches and management searches.

  • There is clearly no denying that the cost in using an executive search firm is not insignificant.
  • However, there are factors that may lead that an organization to conclude that using an executive search consultant produces a sound return on investment:

These factors include:

1. There is no loss of focus internally.

  • There is commonly a loss of attention to other important matters due to the time spent by an internal person doing the search.

2.  Successful executive and management searches require advanced, specialized skills that may not be possessed internally.

  • A search consultant is a highly skilled interviewer, who has often conducted thousands of interviews.
  • They know how to ask probing questions.
  • Their evaluative skills enable them to determine which candidates are the best matches.

3.      Search firms are “hunters of talent”.

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  • They know how to find candidates who are not necessarily actively pursuing a new opportunity. Often such individuals are other organizations’ “stars”.
  • You get the best talent available, not just someone who happened to learn of your opening — or a handful of resumes who happen to have or get from some connection you have.

4.      How much is your time worth?

  • A search firm will typically bring you a slate of 3-5 candidates who have been researched, interviewed, and screened for success.

5.      The success rate of a hire from a search firm is higher.

  • This reduces the likelihood of the emotional energy expended, momentum lost & lack of progress made due to a bad hiring decision.

Plus the financial expense typically associated with exiting a bad hire.
• Typically, a search firm offers a guarantee the candidate hired will remain with the organization for a period of time or it will replace the person at no additional cost.

Perhaps it’s time for you to re-evaluate your past approach of the search for talent being a “do it yourself” activity.

If your organization has a talent acquisition need, Trinity can conduct an effective, highly professional search on your behalf & at a very competitive fee.

Posted in Talent Acquisition, Executive Search, Employment & Employee Retention