Simply stated, the quality of your organization’s products or services starts & continues with quality people.
- Quality is all about the people who are performing the work and providing the services!
Yet so many organizations are depending upon one of the following means by which they find the talented individuals needed for their company:
- Putting your fishing pole in water where only fish who are looking to be caught exist
Identifying candidates who are actively looking for a new job, but not those individuals who are not in the job market, but are open to the right opportunity
- Baiting your line with the wrong bait for the type of fish you want, & hoping that the right fish will jump into your boat
Not knowing how to attract the right fish
Not knowing how to conduct in depth interviews & assessments that will help you to decide which fish are the right ones & which to throw back into the water
- Thinking some other fisherman will share his catch with you
Relying on candidate referrals from business associates, friends & others
So often organizations think doing talent searches on their own has no cost. However, if one stops to count the cost, the costs are in the form of:
- Loss of focus
There is commonly a loss of attention to other important matters due to the time spent by an internal person doing the search.
- Internal searches lacking the expertise to know where to & how to fish for the exact fish you want
Search firms are expert fishermen, who will bring you 1st quality fish
- Less probability of success
The success rate of a hire from a search firm is higher, which reduces the likelihood & amount of emotional energy expended, momentum lost & lack of progress made due to a bad hiring decision.
Plus the financial expense typically associated with exiting a bad hire.
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Perhaps it’s time for you to re-evaluate your current “fishing model” & let the professional fishermen fish on your behalf.
If your organization has a talent acquisition need, Trinity can conduct an effective, highly professional search on your behalf & at a very competitive fee.
- For more information, e mail Trinity at or visit our website at