keyWe all know that one of the keys to business success is people. Consequently, every organization (regardless of its size or industry) has certain executives, managers and other employees who represent an important reason for its success.

  • The loss of one or more key employees can have serious negative consequences in terms of such things as:
  • A weakening in an important customer/client relationship
  • Their taking with them specialized knowledge or skills
  • A void in leadership
  • A decline in the modeling of your culture

Here are three important questions to ask yourself:

  • Do I know if our organization has key employees who may be considering leaving?
  • Have I recently taken the time to do an assessment of our key employees to consider our vulnerability to losing one or more of them?
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  • How do we address the specific reason or reasons the individual may be seeking another opportunity or be susceptible to being recruiting away from us?

Trinity has created a KEY EMPLOYEE VULNERABILITY ASSESSMENTTM. This fast and easy-to-use tool enables you to evaluate the vulnerability of each key employee, based on six employment elements that impact an employee’s satisfaction – and thus her/his likelihood for choosing between staying or leaving.

In addition, Trinity’s Team of Consultants have a proved record of being able to help organizations significantly improve their ability to improve employee retention, especially with key employees.

You have HR challenges…Trinity has solutions!

Posted in Talent Acquisition, Executive Search, Employment & Employee Retention


phantom-stockIf your company is privately-owned, there is a mechanism by which the owners can make its executives and other key employees act as though they own the company—without the owners giving away any company stock.

  • The mechanism is a phantom stock plan, which sometimes is also referred to as a shadow stock plan or a simulated stock plan.

A phantom stock plan (“PSP”) is a form of long-term incentive plan used by businesses to recruit and motivate individuals financially without creating any stock dilution. In effect, it is a type of deferred bonus—the value of which is ultimately determined by the company.

There is no formal or statutory definition of the term “phantom stock plan”, and therefore the term is used by some companies in a narrow context and by other companies in a broad sense of the term.

  • When used narrowly, it indicates a plan that is intended to mirror restricted stock awards or stock option grants. In this usage, the company creates “phantom shares” that may resemble actual stock shares, but are actually a commitment to pay the employees cash upon fulfillment of certain conditions.
  • In its broader use, the term is used to denote any type of plan in which employees must wait until a future date to receive the financial value of a promise given today.

The order cheap viagra woks with the circulatory system, in which it can impact sexual function in impotent man.
When it comes to PSPs, an organization’s legal structure is of little or no significance. That’s due to the fact that PSPs can be adopted by an S Corporation, a C Corporation, a Limited Liability Company (LLC) and even a Partnership.

A PSP may be used by publically traded companies as well as by private companies. However, it is particularly attractive to privately held companies for two primary reasons. This vehicle:

  • Does not create any dilution of stock
  • Enables a privately held company to structure the plan in a way so as to preclude having to disclose confidential financial information.

If your organization is interested in learning more about how a Phantom or Shadow Stock Plan may be advantageous, e mail Trinity at

Posted in Benefits Management, Strategy, Management & Leadership

NLRB’s Recent Ruling & How It Could Affect You

contractorsIn a potentially game-changing decision in Browning-Ferris Industries of California, Inc., the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) cast aside its long-standing joint employer test in favor of a highly union-friendly standard. There is virtually no disputing that this new standard is likely to expand greatly the number of employers subject to collective bargaining and other obligations under the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA).

The NLRB recently redefined Board the word “employer,” concluding that both a company and its subcontractor serve as “joint employers” of a contractor. For any business that subcontracts workers through a third party, this news could mean big changes to the way they operate.

Each can be held liable not only for its own labor violations but also the other entity’s.
Joint employers can also be forced to participate in collective bargaining, regardless of which employer may be considered the primary employer.

As the dissenting Board members emphasized, this ruling is almost certain to have a dramatic impact on all employers.  This is especially true for those who use contractors, including from staffing agencies.


  1. Obtain legal advice on how this new ruling specifically applies to you.
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  3. In the meantime, to be safe, businesses that use contractors should be careful in assigning and requirements. Deadlines and specific outcomes are to be expected, but requiring projects be completed in a certain way during certain work hours can put a business in a position where it is seen as trying to bypass its tax and insurance obligations.


As an HR management consulting firm, Trinity does not practice law. However, we have relationships with several law firms that are considered to be outstanding in the practice if Employment Law.

Posted in HR Legal & Compliance


The typical employer answer is “employees must be paid for all hours they work.”

  • Good news – That answer is right!
  • Bad news – That answer is very incomplete!

Here’s why that answer is very incomplete.  It needs to address how employees are to be paid under the following situations, which are very much determined by the specifics:

1. Waiting Time

  • Under what circumstances is an employee who is not performing work in the normal sense but is waiting to perform work required to be paid?

2. On-Call Time

  • Is the employee required to remain on call on the employer’s premises is working while on call?
  • Is the employee free to be wherever she/he desires, but is required to be reachable while on call?

3. Rest and Meal Periods

  • Is a rest period considered to be work time?
  • Under what circumstances is a meal period paid time?

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  • Do you know the four criteria that determine when these are paid or unpaid time?

5. Travel Time

  • Does your company know under what circumstances travel time must be treated as paid time?

Your company needs to know the answers to these questions!

➡ If you do not, you’re most likely either paying employees too much or too little – either way, you lose.


  1. Review how you are currently handling all of these circumstances.
  2. Ensure what you are doing aligns with what you are required to do.
    • You are free to be generous by paying employees for circumstances than you are not required to.
    • You MAY NOT fail to be employees for circumstances for which pay is required.
  3. Have pay/payroll policies & processes in writing that clearly spell out under what circumstances hours can as work time for which employees will be paid.


If your organization needs assistance on this often complex & confusing subject, Trinity’s Consultants can help you at a very competitive fee.

  • For more information, e mail Trinity at or visit our website at
    You have HR questions…Trinity has answers!

Posted in Compensation & Performance Management



Why is finding the right talent so important?  Simply stated, the quality of your organization’s products or services starts & continues with quality people.

  • Quality is all about the people who are performing the work!

So why then do some companies choose to do their own searches when it is something way outside their core competencies? The most common reason an organization chooses to do their search for talent is the cost of using a headhunter that specializes in executive searches and management searches.

  • There is clearly no denying that the cost in using an executive search firm is not insignificant.
  • However, there are factors that may lead that an organization to conclude that using an executive search consultant produces a sound return on investment:

These factors include:

1. There is no loss of focus internally.

  • There is commonly a loss of attention to other important matters due to the time spent by an internal person doing the search.

2.  Successful executive and management searches require advanced, specialized skills that may not be possessed internally.

  • A search consultant is a highly skilled interviewer, who has often conducted thousands of interviews.
  • They know how to ask probing questions.
  • Their evaluative skills enable them to determine which candidates are the best matches.

3.      Search firms are “hunters of talent”.

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  • They know how to find candidates who are not necessarily actively pursuing a new opportunity. Often such individuals are other organizations’ “stars”.
  • You get the best talent available, not just someone who happened to learn of your opening — or a handful of resumes who happen to have or get from some connection you have.

4.      How much is your time worth?

  • A search firm will typically bring you a slate of 3-5 candidates who have been researched, interviewed, and screened for success.

5.      The success rate of a hire from a search firm is higher.

  • This reduces the likelihood of the emotional energy expended, momentum lost & lack of progress made due to a bad hiring decision.

Plus the financial expense typically associated with exiting a bad hire.
• Typically, a search firm offers a guarantee the candidate hired will remain with the organization for a period of time or it will replace the person at no additional cost.

Perhaps it’s time for you to re-evaluate your past approach of the search for talent being a “do it yourself” activity.

If your organization has a talent acquisition need, Trinity can conduct an effective, highly professional search on your behalf & at a very competitive fee.

Posted in Talent Acquisition, Executive Search, Employment & Employee Retention



It is virtually a certainty that the Department of Labor will in 2016 enact its proposed new Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) regulations. One key change that will adversely affect all or almost all employers will be which employees will continue to qualify as being classified as “exempt” from overtime pay.

  • It is estimated that almost 5 million employees who are currently exempt will become eligible for mandatory overtime pay.

There are two parts to the test to determine whether or not an employee meets the qualifications to be classified as exempt.

  1. Salary
    • The salary must be $455 per week ($23,660 per year) or greater.
    • The government’s contention is that this threshold is far too low.
  2. Duties
    • Using the nature of the work (for example, how much independent judgment is involved) & the amount of time employee engages in various duties

The duties test will not change, but the compensation minimum is increasing dramatically.

  • A minimum of $970 per week ($50,440 per year)—more than 2x the current threshold.

Employers who now treat as employees as exempt but they make less than $50,440 will have 2 options — both of which will increase labor costs:
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  1. Increase their salary to this minimum level
  2. Re-classify them as non-exempt and begin paying them at time and ½ their regular rate of pay for all hours worked in excess of 40 in any given week.


  1. Make sure you have a formal, written process in place to determine in a position truly qualifies as exempt based on the duties and salary tests—and the process includes identification of which of the FLSA’s multiple exempt categories is met.
    • If you don’t have a process in place, establish it now.
    • The Department of Labor has already increased its FLSA compliance audits, and it is expected to increase its enforcement efforts.
  2. Do an analysis to determine which employees currently treated as exempt make less than $50,440 and how many hours are they working more than 40 in a given week.
    • This analysis will enable you to calculate the financial impact.

Trinity’s Team has the experience and expertise to provide assistance expertly and affordably.

Posted in HR Legal & Compliance



We all know that strategic planning is an important aspect of business success. It is the “bridge” or road map between where the organization is now and where you want it to be.

But did you know that, according to one study, businesses that are committed to strategic thinking & planning show an increase of:

  • 12% to the bottom line
  • 11% to the top line in comparison to those that don’t do strategic planning.

Strategy planning almost always requires:

  • Strategic thinking
  • Sound goal setting, decision making & problem solving
  • Setting standards to measure the effectiveness of the strategy
  • Seeing how the people aspects impact its success—or can cause it to fail

It’s been said that there are three types of companies:

  1. Those that make things happen
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  3. Those that watch things happen
  4. Those that wonder what happened

Those in the “make things happen” category are organizations that:

  • Are nimble
  • Have well-established, effective goal setting, decision making & problem solving processes

Trinity’s Team can provide assistance expertly & affordably to help your organization to:

  • improve its decision making & problem solving processes
  • more readily embrace change
  • integrate its overall strategies with its people-related strategies

For more information, e mail Trinity at or visit our website at

Posted in Strategy, Management & Leadership


dashboardVirtually all successful organizations have dashboards. Simply stated, a dashboard is a monitoring tool that shows how a company is performing relative to a set of KPIs/metrics at any given time.

  • They’re typically done in a visual fashion, making them easy to assess read & interpret.
  • Think of them as the dashboard on a car—telling you at which speed you’re driving, how much gas you have, your average miles per gallon, etc.

Business dashboards allow managers to examine information in greater levels of specificity, which can help to quickly identify and focus on potential problem areas. However, too often, the dashboard does not include HR related information—or if it does, the dashboard is not measuring the most crucial HR elements.

The most successful organizations have an HR dashboard in order to provide them with
data related to the most critical measures of HR success. By linking the data on the dashboard to the key organizational metrics, managers can more effectively see the ties between HR outcomes and corporate goals.

Some common HR dashboard components include:

  • Absenteeism Rate
  • Employee Turnover Rate
  • # of Work-Related Injuries

The above examples are all valid. However, Trinity believes the best HR dashboard includes measurements of a more specific nature. Here are two examples:
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  • HR expenses as a % of total operating expenses
  • Revenue per employee
  • Employee Satisfaction Index (using Trinity’s Employee PulseTM ) tool

Answer the following questions:

  1. Do we have an HR dashboard?
  2. Is it integrated with our overall dashboard?
  3. Is it displaying the right people-related information

Trinity’s Team can expertly and affordably help you to have an HR dashboard that displays the most important and impactful data.

Posted in HR Management


pay-headachesNo organization purposely seeks to create headaches for itself when it comes to payroll. However, this basic function is often a source of major problems, including employee relations & legal ones.
Want to aggravate employees? Don’t pay them what they should be paid!

The most frequent reasons that organizations find themselves with pay related employee relations and legal problems (including big dollar lawsuits, civil money penalties [up to $1,100 for each violation for repeated or willful violations] and fines) are:

  1. Misclassification
    • By misclassifying employees as exempt, employers fail to pay required overtime.
      ➡ Exempt means they are not required to be paid overtime for hours worked in excess of 40 per week.
    • In their proper classification as nonexempt, employees are required to be paid time and ½ of their “regular rate of pay” (see the next reason) for any and all hours greater than 40 in a work week.
  2. “RegularThe cialis without prescription continue reading to find out more side effects that come with the usual methods of treating the disease, including erectile dysfunction, bowel dysfunction, and urinary incontinence, are rather well known by men. rate of pay” in making overtime payments
    • In calculating the correct “regular rate of pay” in paying for overtime, employers must take into account all payments to employees.
    • Examples include shift differentials and non-discretionary bonuses.
  3. Off the clock work
    • Even if employees say they are willing to do so, they must be paid for such time.
    • An example is working during unpaid lunch time.


  1. Conduct an FLSA exempt – non-exempt review & determination, & document the method and basis for it
  2. Carefully review how the “regular rate of pay” is being computed
  3. Do not allow working off the clock – no matter what the circumstances

If your organization needs help with ensuring your organization is not exposing itself to payroll-related negative employee relations costly or potentially embarrassing lawsuits, penalties and fines, Trinity’s Team of Consultants can provide assistance expertly & affordably.

Posted in Compensation & Performance Management


harassmentIn 2014, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission received just under 7,000 claims of sexual harassment.

  • Employers spent millions of dollars to defend themselves against unwarranted claims & tens of millions more in settlements for both bona fide & dubious claims.

It is surprising how many employers do not realize that an employer is liable for sexual harassment by a supervisor—even when the employer had no knowledge of it. This lack of realization exists despite the fact that the U.S. Supreme Court made this very clear as far back as 1998.

  • In two 1998 cases (1-Burlington Industries, Inc. v. Ellerth & 2-Faragher v. City of Boca Raton), the Court held that employers are subject to “vicarious liability” for unlawful harassment by supervisors.

However, the U.S. Supreme Court also noted that an employer may be able to avoid liability or at least limit damages by establishing an “affirmative defense”, the elements of which are described in the next paragraph.


  1. Periodically conduct anti-sexual harassment training for all employees
  2. Have & consistently enforce a written anti-harassment policy stating such actions will not be tolerated
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  4. Ensure the existence of a complaint process by which employees who feel they have been subjected to sexual harassment can safely make it known

Trinity’s Team has the experience and expertise to:

  • Conduct anti-sexual harassment training
  • Develop or strengthen your anti-harassment policy
  • Review your complaint process
  • Review your investigation process

For more information, email Trinity at or visit our website at

Posted in HR Legal & Compliance