This document has been prepared by Trinity HR Consulting, Inc. (“Trinity”) solely for use as a general source of information.  As such, it is not intended to take the place of obtaining advice from legal and/or tax counsel.  Trinity strongly urges seeking legal and/or tax counsel on this subject matter prior to taking any related actions or making any related decisions.

U.S. Supreme Court Upholds Individual Arbitration Agreements


In 2012, the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) held these types of agreements were prohibited and unenforceable. Since then, courts have either agreed with or deferred to the Board and struck down the enforceability of these individual arbitration provisions.

  • The case involved the Court’s ruling on whether employment disputes could be resolved in individual arbitrations rather than in court.


The issue before the Court was whether an agreement that requires an employer and an employee to resolve employment-related disputes through individual arbitration, and waive class and collective proceedings, is enforceable under the Federal Arbitration Act (FAA) (notwithstanding the provisions of the National Labor Relations Act [NLRA] and under the Fair Labor Standards Act [FLSA].

  • Arbitration clauses in employment contracts are a relatively recent innovation, but they have become quite common.  It’s estimated that there are more than 25 million employment agreements in existence.
  • Today 54 percent of non-unionized employers utilize arbitration clauses. It is estimated that there


Yesterday (May 21st, 2018), the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) issued a decision granting significant rights to employers seeking to limit liability in class action cases. In a 5-4 decision, the Court upheld the use of class action waivers in individual employment agreements. This means employees who sign agreements binding them to bring individual arbitration actions cannot bring or be a party to class actions in litigation, including in class action wage claims under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA).

  • In issuing its ruling, the SCOTUS  reversed the Board’s mandate and rendered the  individual arbitration provisions enforceable.
  • The decision also underscored the importance of the 2016 presidential election’s impact on the judiciary. The Obama administration and the National Labor Relations Board had backed workers in the cases, but after President Trump was elected, the Justice Department threw its support to the employers.


This means employers are now free to place a provision in an employment and/or severance agreement waiving the right of the employee to engage in any class-action against the employer and requiring the employee instead to engage in individual arbitration to resolve any claims against the employer.
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  • This decision is a huge win for employers who utilize individual arbitration agreements with their employees and clears the way for continued use of said agreements.


Trinity can:

  • Review your existing:
    • Employment Agreements
    • Employee Handbook and Policies
  • Conduct management and executive searches to find individuals with the specific experience and expertise you need, as well as their being compatible with your culture.
  • Create employment agreements protecting your company’s interest by containing:
    • Restrictive Covenants (such as a Non-Compete)
    • An arbitration clause in line with this new Supreme Court ruling

For more information:

You have HR questions…Trinity has answers!

Posted in HR Legal & Compliance


How many of the following subjects of importance to your organization?

  • Promoting an ownership employee mindset
  • Building a high performance culture
  • Business growth
  • Creating a focus on both short and long-term results
  • Competing for top-tier talent
  • Employee retention
  • Rewarding outcomes instead of behaviors

If you’re like most business owners and executives, your answer is probably “All of them!”  Which leads to the next question: What tools are you utilizing to successfully achieve each of these?

  • A typical answer is that you have a short-term (annual) incentive plan in place. That’s a good answer, but not a great answer!
  • I assume you want your company to be really good, and not merely good.  If so, your answer should be that your compensation approach consists of both a short-term incentive plan (STIP) and a long-term incentive plan (LTIP) that work in conjunction with one another to achieve common objectives.
  • The underlined portion is where many companies “swing and miss”.  That’s because they see STIPs and LTIPs as independent pay components that they design and analyze separately and with different purposes in mind.
  • In doing so, they fail to have a reward approach that mirrors the way they manage and drive their company towards the achievement of both their short and long-term results.


But how about if you want your organization to be GREAT?

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Recent research shows that incentive plans can be counter-productive if not designed properly. Proper design means the real focus in both short-term and long-term results should be on VALUE CREATION.

Organizations with high performance cultures are recognizing that the most effective approach to variable compensation approach is one that embraces VALUE SHARING. These companies are replacing the idea of “incentive compensation” with “value-sharing compensation.”  Under this shift in thinking, the company’s philosophy regarding pay is:

  • “We share value with those who help create value.  And the more value you create, THE MORE we’re willing to share.”

In Part 2 of this series, we provide additional information about a Value Sharing approach to variable compensation.

  • Don’t mistake this as merely semantics or a change in terminology.  It’s a mindset change with the potential for powerful impact within your organization!


Trinity’s Team has extensive experience in custom designing highly effective compensation plans, along with a relevant, short & long-term results driven performance management systems.

For more information:

You have HR questions…Trinity HAS answers!

Posted in Compensation & Performance Management


Hopefully, Parts 1 & 2 have caused you to consider the value of creating & maintaining ORGANIZATIONAL HEALTH within your company. So here in the 3rd & final part of this series, we’ll:

  • Identify the 4 disciplines that constitute Organizational Health
  • Provide several sample questions that are critical in assessing your organization’s health

The Four Disciplines


Team members:

  • Trust one another enough to be genuinely vulnerable
  • Engage regularly in candid, open discussions (including with healthy differences of viewpoints) on important issues
  • Conclude with specific, actionable agreements related to decisions
  • Hold one another accountable to commitments and behaviors
  • Place the team in front of themselves or their functional areas, & therefore are fully committed to its goals


The Leadership Team:

  • Knows & agrees on why the organization exists
  • Has defined & embraced specific behaviors expected & values to be practiced
  • Has agreed on strategies, action plans & metrics to assess success for which it takes collective ownership
  • Understands each other’s roles & responsibilities
  • Communicates consistently & frequently to ensure organization-wide clarity exists


The Leadership Team Members communicates by utilizing:

  • Repetition
  • Simplicity
  • Multiple mediums
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  • Cascading of messages


The Leadership Team ensures continuity of clarity by:

  • As part of the hiring process, candidates compatibility with the organization’s values & overall culture is taken in consideration
  • New employees undergo an orientation program
  • The existence of a comprehensive performance management system
  • Rewards & recognition being built around the achievement of results by use of the organization’s values


  1. We have a clear, written Vision Statement that has been effectively communicated to everyone within our organization.
  2. Our Leadership Team is open & honest, & demonstrates a high level of trust.
  3. A Scorecard for metrics is in place & is carefully reviewed on a pre-determined basis, & actual vs performance measurements are communicated


Can a healthy organization fail?  Of course—for a variety of reasons.  But the likelihood of success is greatly enhanced when:

  • Politics, ambiguity, dysfunction and confusion are reduced to a minimum
  • People feel valued & empowered to solve problems & help one another in ways that unhealthy organizations can only dream about

For more information:

You have HR opportunities…Trinity has paths forward!

Posted in Organizational & People Development


In Part 1, we:

  • introduced the concept of ORGANIZATIONAL HEALTH as a key competitive advantage
  • illustrated it & a health human body are alike
  • identified multiple advantages of a healthy organization

In Part 2, we’ll look into the foundation of Organizational Health, which is trust.  Employee trust:

1.   Is based on what you DO on a consistent, ongoing  basis

  • Not what you say (although your words are important)
  • Their knowing that you’ll always “do what’s right”

2.   Involves their feeling genuinely cared for by your organization

  • As individuals—not only as the people who provide your services to clients or customers or  who make your products
  • That your care extends to their family

3.   Intensely & intentionally listening to them

  • Their issues, aspirations & ideas

4.   Instilling confidence that they’ll be treated fairly & respected

  • Regardless of their race, religion, national origin, gender or other individual differences
  • Regardless of their position or status level within the organization

5.   Implementing compensation practices & benefit packages that are:

  • In line with your industry, organizational size, financial situation & other factors

I’ve found that team sports & business have much in common.  I recently watched a documentary about Rollie Massimino, the late Hall of Fame basketball coach.

  • He’s probably most remembered for leading the Villanova University Wildcats to the 1985 NCAA championship against overwhelming favorite Georgetown.
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  • It has been described as the biggest championship upset in the history of the “March Madness” tournament.

My main takeaway from this documentary was that throughout his career his players knew how much he cared for them as individuals–not just as basketball players. He showed them that by such actions as:

Having them to his home for dinners
Stressing the importance of graduation for their long-term success in life
Listening to them as what was going in their personal lives, such as in their families
Helping maximize their potential as players & people
Praising them for exceptional performance

The results of these actions by “Coach Mass“ (as his players affectionately called him) included:

His teams having a close knit, family feel that enabled them to overcome great odds to achieve remarkable success

  • Not only at Villanova, but many years later when he came out of retirement at age 71 to start the basketball program at virtually unheard of Keiser University & led them to 6 Sun Conference championships

His players having a much higher graduation rate in comparison to other schools

Years later his players still remaining close to him, & saying “I love Coach Mass. He changed my life. He’s like a father to me.”

I trust that you see how ‘Coach Mass’s’ approach to creating Organizational Health led to an elevated desire for a group of individuals to do whatever it took to excel applies not only to basketball, but also to your business.

Imagine the increase in morale, productivity, customer service & profitability if your “team” had this level of Organizational Health.

For more information about Organizational Health:

Look for upcoming Part 3, which will conclude this series.



Posted in Organizational & People Development


CEOs and business owners have long known that success involves having a competitive advantage. Regardless of your industry or size, your organization needs to have a competitive advantage.

  • What’s your competitive advantage?

Historically, a competitive advantage has meant that an organization has sought to be better at something or somethings than its competitors.  Most often, this has been attributed to one or more of the following aspects of business as leading to a competitive edge:

1)     Strategy
2)     Finance
3)     Marketing
4)     Technology
5)     Customer Service

Clearly, being better at several of these can provide a competitive advantage that is significant.  Being better at all five of them can put you in an elite status in terms of success.

However, organizations are finding it more difficult to be better than their top competitors in these five aspects. That has given rise to a new business attribute that can serve as a great differentiator.  What is that attribute?


Organizations are essentially living, breathing entities. Therefore, Organizational Health is best understood as a metaphor comparing it to the human body.

Both the human body and a business entity:

  • Consist of many parts, each of which has a specific purpose to fulfill
  • Malfunction when one part functions outside its purpose
  • Need all of the different parts to work together in harmony & in unison
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  • Require a degree of stability (the scientific term for this is homeostasis)
  • May outwardly appear to be healthy, but inwardly are not

Organizational Health is about making an organization function effectively by:

1)     Building a cohesive leadership team
2)     Establishing real clarity among those leaders
3)     Communicating that clarity to everyone within the organization
4)     Putting in place just enough structure to reinforce that clarity going forward.


 Getting more time in less time
 Identifying problems and obstacles earlier and addressing them faster
Seeing opportunities sooner and taking advantage of them ahead of the competition
Increasing the motivation and retention of your best people

In Part 2, we’ll look further into ORGANIZATIONAL HEALTH.

For more information on this subject:


Posted in Organizational & People Development



In this final article in this five-part series, let’s go back to a fundamental at the initial compensation question.  Is your base pay on target?  If not, everything discussed in Parts 1 through 4 will have reduced effectiveness.

The only way to answer this basic but critically important question with a high degree of accuracy is for your organization to periodically conduct a thorough market compensation analysis.

Without such an analysis you could be either underpaying or overpaying – both of  which have unintended consequences.
A consequence example is your losing valuable talent because of their being  underpaid.

Here is what a good compensation analysis consists of:

1)   Comparing your organization’s positions to comparable positions in other organizations:

  • In your industry
  • Of similar size (as measured by revenue and/or number of employees)
  • In the geographical area in which you would recruit for a position – be that locally, regionally or nationally

2)   Not merely look at a position’s title, but more importantly taking into account its:

  • Duties and responsibilities
  • Education and experience requirements
  • Skills and competencies

3)   Factoring in the incumbent’s:

  • Qualifications in comparison to the position’s requirements
  • Leadership training programs teach conflict management at workplace, creating a congenial work environment. buy cialis http://deeprootsmag.org/2013/10/17/shes-got-hand/

  • Performance
  • Other relevant factors

4)   Analyzing non-base pay salary

5)   Providing position-by-position, person-by-person compensation recommendations based on the analysis


  • Trinity’s Team has years of experience in doing compensation analysis.
  • We utilize an up-to-date, reliable data base of market compensation to expertly and economically perform a customized market analysis for your organization.

For more information:

E-mail Trinity at info@TrintyHR.net
Visit our website at www.TrinityHR.net
Call us at 856.905.1762 or toll free at 877.228.6310

You have HR challenges…Trinity Has solutions!


Posted in Compensation & Performance Management


In Part 4 of this 5 part series, let’s take a quick look at the final 3 of these important questions.

3)     Should we also have a long‐term incentive plan (LTIP), and if for which employee groups?

  • We believe that if your company that has a plan for long-term growth it should have a long term incentive plan (LTIP).  Your LTIP strategically communicates that goal to employees, along with “What Is In This For Me” — at Trinity, we believe WIIT-FM is a radio station every employee will listen to.
  • An LTIP should be encompass the behaviors and results needed to be achieved if your company vision of the future is to become a reality.
  • When properly structured, an LTIP  can be funded from the added value it creates — rather than being an additional expense line item.

4)     What type of long‐term plan is best?

  • There are multiple forms of LTIPs, including types that enable privately-owned companies not to give up any portion of their ownership.
  • Each option has its own advantages and disadvantages — depending on the objectives the organization wants to achieve. There is no one plan that is best for all companies.
    The best option for your company will be the plan type that most helps you to accomplish what you desire to.

5)     If I implement a plan, how will I know it’s been successful?

  • The overarching purpose of incentive plans is to frame an organization’s financial partnership with its employees in the context of its value creation and value sharing philosophy.
    Did I hear someone say, I thought the purpose was to enhance our company’s  ability to attract top talent and motivate them so as to retain.
    Of course you want your incentive plan to do those two things—and they will as natural byproducts of incentive compensation plans are properly:

    • Designed
    • Communicated
    • Managed

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So the best way to determine the success of incentive plans is to assess if they are achieving your objectives and the accompanying byproducts.


On the basis of what’s been written in this series of articles, the answer to the question of “do incentive plans work?” is yes – if  your properly designed, communicated and managed plans:

1) Define value creation – Effective plans reflect the company’s philosophy about what it means to create value and that incentives should be “self‐financed”; they should be paid out of the company’s increased productivity and profits.

2)     Define value sharing – Effective plans present the opportunity for employees to share in the value that they help create, through a reliable mechanism.

3)     Reinforce instead of force behavior – Effective plans don’t try to change the behavior of an employee through compensation manipulation. They are designed to reward the achievement of well‐defined outcomes within the framework of a clearly defined financial partnership.

For more information:

E-mail us at info@TrintyHR.net
Visit our website at www.TrinityHR.net
Call us at 856.905.1762 or toll free at 877.228.6310

Trinity’s Team has extensive experience in custom designing highly effective incentive compensation plans, along with a relevant, results-driven performance management system.


Posted in Compensation & Performance Management


In any organization’s discussion of it, there are inevitably questions that arise about incentive compensation:

  1. Do incentive plans impact employee behavior in a positive manner?
  2. If so, what are the essentials of a short-term incentive plan (STIP)?
  3. Should we also have a long‐term incentive plan (LTIP), and if for which employee groups?
  4. What type of long‐term plan is best?
  5. If I implement a plan, how will I know it’s been successful?

Let’s take a quick look at the 1st two of these important questions

1) Do incentive plans impact employee behavior in a positive manner?

  • A 2017 study reported in the Human Resources Management Journal states:
    Incentive pay and variable pay has become increasingly important for  motivating employees to perform productively at work. It represents one of the key elements of HRM systems aimed at achieving sustainable competitive success for an organization.”
  • Additional research shows that a key factor in determining how impactful incentive pay is depends on whether the incentive plan is utilized to force changes in behavior or to reinforce behavior.

2) If so, what are the essentials of a short-term incentive plan (STIP)?

  • They include the following:
    1. Identify the performance objectives you want to achieve, including a financial objective but also 2 to 3 non-financial ones
    2. Translate the objectives into Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that are measurable & achievable, but yet stretch employees in order for achievement
    3. Establish the rewards associated with various levels of achievement
      The rewards must result in meaningful dollars.
      A common mistake is to fail to include rewards for achievement level above 100% or to undervalue the rewards for extraordinary performance.
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    5. Ensure KPIs are ones that employees can impact (called “line of sight”)
    6. Clearly communicate the plan
    7. Regularly update all participants on the status of actual performance in comparison to objectives, reinforcing the related rewards
  1. Determine the right balance between guaranteed compensation (base pay) & variable compensation (incentive/bonus/commission compensation), including answering such questions as:
    If not all employees, which employee groups’ compensation should include a variable portion?
    Which employees/groups who are part of a short-term incentive plan should also participate in a long-term incentive plan?
  2. Identify certain performance objectives it wants to achieve & the outcomes that will result if the objectives are attained.
  3. Translate those objectives into Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
  4. Establish its rewards for KPI achievement at varying degrees of success

For more information:


Trinity’s Team has extensive experience in custom designing highly effective incentive compensation plans, along with a relevant, results-driven performance management system.


Posted in Compensation & Performance Management


In part 1, we identified the objectives of performance-based pay. In this article, we’ll discuss the concept of a compensation philosophy.

An organization’s compensation philosophy refers to the set of guiding principles that drive decision making about compensation.  This philosophy differs from business to business, but every company seeks to hire and retain the best talent, and it will express that sentiment with the objectives section of its compensation philosophy statement.

  • In Trinity’s executive and management search consulting practice, we find that candidates are often interesting in understanding a prospective employer’s compensation philosophy.

In adopting the pay part of its philosophy, every organization has to:

  1. Determine the right balance between guaranteed compensation (base pay) & variable compensation (incentive/bonus/commission compensation), including answering such questions as:
    If not all employees, which employee groups’ compensation should include a variable portion?
    Which employees/groups who are part of a short-term incentive plan should also participate in a long-term incentive plan?
  2. Identify certain performance objectives it wants to achieve & the outcomes that will result if the objectives are attained.
  3. Translate those objectives into Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
  4. Establish its rewards for KPI achievement at varying degrees of success


In order for ABC Company to achieve the objectives of its compensation philosophy, we provide compensation in the following forms:

  1. Base pay
  2. Incentive pay
  3. Benefits

As part of this, ABC strives to:


  1. Provide base pay that is:
    • In line with the market place for like positions
    • Fair in comparison to other employees in the same or comparable role
    • Tied to performance results in comparison to goals
  2. Review pay on an annual basis during its performance management process, as well as at other times when deemed appropriate
    • Target overall increases to approximate the percentage which is generally given by other employers, but creating a range of increases on an individual basis
    • In doing so, take into account appropriate financial consideration.
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  3. Increase pay upon achieving of a promotion

INCENTIVE PAY (for designated positions/groups)

  1. Award performance bonuses to eligible employees annually through its short-term incentive plan (STIP)
  2. Provide a long-term incentive plan (LTIP) that rewards eligible employees for organizational performance over a multi-year period of time


  1. Offer competitive and comprehensive benefits package, consisting of:
    • Paid Time Off
    • Healthcare Benefits
    • Life Insurance & Disability Benefits
    • Retirement Benefits
  2. Seek to provide employees with choices so as to enable them to select the benefits best for them based upon their personal factors
  3. Absorb the vast majority of the total cost of the benefits package
    • Taking into consideration the Company’s financial capability

For more information:


  • Trinity’s Team has extensive experience in helping organizations to design highly effective compensation programs (including incentive compensation plans) and to develop a relevant, results-deiven performance management system.

You have HR questions…Trinity HAS answers!

Posted in Compensation & Performance Management


This is the time of the year that organizations start preparing for their year-end performance evaluations and compensation.  Most organizations (small, mid-sized & large) already use a performance-based approach to compensation.

  • That’s because performance-based pay has proven to be the most effective basis for rewarding employees.
  • It is also an area that candidates want to know about, especially those who are part of your executive and management recruting.

If your organization is:

  1. Already doing so, it’s smart to review the specifics of your approach
  2. Not using this approach, it’s wise to re-evaluate why not

In this multipart series of articles, we’ll cover topics such as the following:

  1. Objectives of pay for performance
  2. Developing a rewards philosophy
  3. Essentials of Performance-Based Pay

Objectives of Performance Based Pay

Developing a Performance Based Pay (also called Pay for Performance—Trinity prefers Pay for Results) philosophy starts with an organization clearly identifying what it wants to achieve with it.  We believe the following objectives pretty much describe the objectives of the vast majority of organizations—perhaps worded somewhat differently:

  1. Recruit and retain the highest quality employees
  2. Communicate and reinforce the values of the organization
  3. Engage employees in the organization’s success in achieving (better yet, exceeding) its objectives related to financial and non-financial objectives
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  5. Reward contributors for successful achievements
  6. Differentiate rewards provided based on the importance of the contributions at three inter-related levels:
    • Individual
    • Team/Department/Division
    • Organization-wide

Your Performance Based Pay objectives should be a sub-set of your overall compensation philosophy.

For more information:


  • Trinity’s Team has extensive experience in helping organizations to create highly effective compensation programs, including incentive compensation plans.


Posted in Compensation & Performance Management