
One of the major challenges of recruiting or talent acquisition is making the best possible decision as to which of the candidates to hire.  Trinity’s experience in providing search consulting services shows that many hiring managers rely far too much on two factors to make their choice:

1.      Resume—without fully taking into account that:

  • A resume is a candidate’s “marketing brochure”, and not a completely objective portrayal of her/his experiences and accomplishments.
  • Research reveals that about half of all resumes contain some type and level of false information. Examples includes title inflation, embellishing achievements and extending employment dates to reduce or eliminate employment gaps.

2.   Interview performance—without considering that:

  • Some people simply interview better than others
  • A candidate who interviews extremely well does not automatically translate into that individual  will also perform really well.

One proven way to improve your organization’s hiring decisions is to create a Candidate Profile for positions for which you need to recruit and hire.  This entails defining what the ideal candidate looks like in terms of:

  • Education
  • Years of experience
  • Skills & competencies
  • Personality type
  • Cultural fit

Some of you who may be thinking, “isn’t that what a job description does”?  The answer is yes and no.  It certainly does some of that, but not to the extent needed if  you’re going to make really good selection choices.

Why is a Candidate Profile key?

  • Whenever a position has multiple employees performing it, there is typically a couple of individuals whose performance exceeds that of their colleagues and a couple whose performance is significantly below the average incumbents.
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  • Doesn’t it make sense to identify what differentiates the top performers from the average and below average ones?

Did someone else think, ‘”we don’t have the time to do this”?  If so, stop to think about   what it costs in terms of energy, emotion, money, etc. if you hire the wrong person.


1.      Ensure those who conduct selection interviews are fully trained

  • Not merely on the legal do’s and don’ts, but also on how to become skilled at conducting interviews that more effectively help predict future performance.

2.      Create a Position Profile

  • This entails taking the time and making the effort to examine thoroughly the education, experience, skillset, personality type and other factors of the incumbents.]


Trinity’s Team has the expertise in executive and management searches (headhunting) to help your organization meet your specific recruiting challenges.

For more information:

You have HR questions…Trinity has answers!

Posted in Talent Acquisition, Executive Search, Employment & Employee Retention