hire-right-peopleResearch shows that only 19% of newly hired employees are considered to be unequivocal successes. This is an alarming low rate of success for a process that is essential to an organization’s success!

Why does the hiring and selection process have such a poor success rate?  Some reasons are:

arrow-bulletOverreliance on what the candidate’s resume states about experience and  accomplishments

  • Never forget that a resume is a candidate’s self-created advertisement about themselves as the following statistics demonstrate:

check-markEmbellished skill set – 57%

check-markOverstated responsibilities – 55%

check-markIncorrect dates of employment to cover up gaps – 42%

check-markElevated job title – 34%

check-markOverstated education – 33%

arrow-bulletInterviewing & evaluating candidates is not a core competency of hiring managers, and therefore they do not know how to effectively:

  • Pose questions that produce revealing answers & important insights
  • Ask probing follow-up questions to drill down past an initial answer
  • Conduct behavioral interviews

arrow-bulletSoft skills,   such as professionalism     and interpersonal skills, are  often not evaluated or not properly evaluated

The old adage that “past performance is the best predictor of future success” remains as true today as it has in the past.  The key elements of past performance that need to be carefully & comprehensively evaluated include:

  • Leadership skills
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  • Interpersonal skills
  • Behavioral style
  • Collaboration and teamwork
  • Cognitive ability

Without the help of external resources, selections are far too often made with any type of assessment of these keybad-hire predictors of success (along with cultural compatibility) being conducted.

arrow-bulletAs a result, you may as well give the new hire the following name tag:



Trinity’s services include:

  • Conducting searches from the professional level through executive level positions
  • Providing a wide array of assessment tools to improve your selection decision making

 For more information, e mail Trinity at info@TrinityHR.net or visit our website at www.TrinityHR.net.

  • You have HR challenges…Trinity has solutions!


Posted in Talent Acquisition, Executive Search, Employment & Employee Retention