What Really Matters in Recruiting & Retention?

recruitment-retentionA recent survey looked at what are the factors important to:

  • Candidates in making employment decisions
  • Employees in deciding to stay or leave

The survey results show that the factors that matter most are very different related to recruiting in comparison to retention.


Nearly 3 in 5 (57%) people report benefits being among their top considerations before accepting a job.

arrow-bullet4 in 5 people actually said they would prefer new or improved benefits over a pay raise!

In looking at benefits that matter most to people, the top 3, not surprisingly, are in order of importance:

1)     Healthcare insurance
2)     Paid time off (including sick time)
3)     Retirement plan (pension and/or 401(k) plan)


However, when it comes to what keeps employees satisfied and therefore choosing to stay, it’s a different story.  The most important retention factors are:

1)     Culture and values
2)     Career opportunities
3)     Leadership

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Ask yourself these questions:


1)     Do I know whether our benefits package is better, same or worse than comparable companies?
2)     When is the last time we did a comparison?
3)     Is it time to do an updated comparison?


1)     Do I know how employees feel about our company when it comes to the key retention factors?
2)     How do I know with certainty?
3)     Is it time to find out with certainty?


Trinity’s Team has the experience and expertise to assist in improving the work experience of your employees—and, in turn, improve your organization’s:

  • Relationship with its most important asset—your employees
  • Ability to recruit and retain talent individuals
  • Overall performance of your organization

For more information, e-mail Trinity at info@TrinityHR.net or visit our website at www.TrinityHR.net.

You have HR challenges…Trinity has solutions!

Posted in Talent Acquisition, Executive Search, Employment & Employee Retention